Ranked #1 End Of Lease Cleaners In Newcastle

The #1 End Of Lease Cleaning Service In Newcastle

Get your bond back guaranteed with our bond cleaning service. We tackle all the move-out must-haves, leaving your property sparkling and ready for inspection.

  • Trusted Cleaning Service
  • 200% Guarantee
  • 5-Star Rated Service
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Trusted by 1000+ families in Newcastle

What Our Customers Say

"Pure Cleaning Newcastle Team did a great job on our apartment. Everything was spotless and we got 100% of our bond back. I would definitely recommend them for End of Lease cleaning."
"Our Cleaners provided excellent cleaning for my end of lease. Reliable and friendly people. I would definitely reach out to them again!"
"I am very satisfied with the cleaning service. Brenda was extremely thorough, and my place is spotless! Highly recommend."
Jessie W
"We booked the service for our end of lease cleaning and I couldn’t be happier. The flat is spotless and the service was amazing including the customer service before and after the cleaning. I will totally recommend Pure Cleaning Newcastle."
"Vivi and the team arrived punctually, were very friendly, professional and did a great job. Highly recommend."
"Very pleased with my end of lease clean from Angie and Yeimy. Great job and a reasonable price!"
"Amazing job unit was spotless really happy with the result would use for end of lease clean."
"Karen and Monica were booked at short notice to do our end-of-lease cleaning - they did a great job, would definitely recommend them!"
"I've used Pure Cleaning Newcastle twice for bond cleaning, and on both occasions they have been very open and communicative. The cleaning met all my expectations and would recommend them."
"Vivi and Robin did an amazing job cleaning the apartment for my end of lease. They were super helpful and responsive and sent a lot of photos after cleaning to ensure satisfaction."
Peter M
"I have used many cleaning companies over the years and Pure Cleaning Newcastle is the best I have found in Newcastle for exit clean."
"I am very satisfied with my exit cleaning service. Brenda was extremely thorough, and my place is spotless! Highly recommend."
"Pure Cleaning Newcastle Team did a great job on our apartment. Everything was spotless and we got 100% of our bond back. I would definitely recommend them for End of Lease cleaning."
"Our Cleaners provided excellent cleaning for my end of lease. Reliable and friendly people. I would definitely reach out to them again!"
"I am very satisfied with the cleaning service. Brenda was extremely thorough, and my place is spotless! Highly recommend."
Jessie W
"We booked the service for our end of lease cleaning and I couldn’t be happier. The flat is spotless and the service was amazing including the customer service before and after the cleaning. I will totally recommend Pure Cleaning Newcastle."
"Vivi and the team arrived punctually, were very friendly, professional and did a great job. Highly recommend."
"Very pleased with my end of lease clean from Angie and Yeimy. Great job and a reasonable price!"
"Amazing job unit was spotless really happy with the result would use for end of lease clean."
"Karen and Monica were booked at short notice to do our end-of-lease cleaning - they did a great job, would definitely recommend them!"
"I've used Pure Cleaning Newcastle twice for bond cleaning, and on both occasions they have been very open and communicative. The cleaning met all my expectations and would recommend them."
"Vivi and Robin did an amazing job cleaning the apartment for my end of lease. They were super helpful and responsive and sent a lot of photos after cleaning to ensure satisfaction."
Peter M
"I have used many cleaning companies over the years and Pure Cleaning Newcastle is the best I have found in Newcastle for exit clean."
"I am very satisfied with my exit cleaning service. Brenda was extremely thorough, and my place is spotless! Highly recommend."
How It Works
Book Online
1. Book Online
Book your cleaning service online in 60 seconds.
We Clean
2. We Clean
Our expert bond cleaners will come over & professionally clean your home.
Book Online
3. You Relax
Sit back, relax and have your rental bond returned.
Why Pure Cleaning Newcastle

More Than Just A Cleaning Service

100% Bond Back Guarantee

If your real estate agent spots any issues within 72 hours after our clean, we'll come back to fix them—completely free of charge.

Simple & Easy Booking

Bond cleans are booked online with one simple process, using your phone or computer.

Expert End Of Lease Cleaners

Our staff are professionally trained so you can trust our cleaning teams to do the best job possible so you can get your bond back.

Cleaning Equipment Provided

For your convenience, our team brings their own cleaning equipment for each service.

Full Liability Insurance

Our end of lease cleaning service is covered by our $10 million public liability insurance.

Exceptional Customer Service

Trust our expert customer service team for comprehensive support from inquiry to post-service, ensuring your satisfaction at every stage.

Across Newcastle

We’ve got vetted end lease cleaners across Newcastle, ready to help get you on the move.

No Hidden Fees

Our prices are final and fully inclusive of fuel and GST, and any other charges. What you see is what you pay.

7 days / week

We’ve got cleaning teams available at any day of the week, including public holidays.

Other Cleaning Services

200% Customer Satisfaction, Our Commitment

If you’re not happy with our work, we make it right!

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